Archive for July 21st, 2011


Two Grande Dames

July 21, 2011

Séraphine de Senlis 'Deux Grandes Marguerites'

‘Deux Grandes Marguerites’ ~ Séraphine Louis

Sabian Symbol Correspondence: Virgo 27  Two Grande Dames at Tea

The Marguerite Daisy essence is one of basic protection in the area of heart energy. Very useful to those who may be easily led and/or affected – and where anger presents, or is felt, on some level. This may be in the area of weakness of will.

Source: Roadside Flower Essences, Stonehaven, Scotland



The Hurt Blocker

July 21, 2011

Trust your wound to a teacher’s surgery.
Flies collect on a wound. They cover it,
Those flies of your self-protecting feelings,
Your love for what you think is yours.
Let a teacher wave away the flies
And put a plaster on the wound.

Don’t turn your head. Keep looking
At the bandaged place. That’s where
The light enters you.
And don’t believe for a moment
That you’re healing yourself.

~ Rumi (of course)