Posts Tagged ‘Aura-Soma’


B109: Sweeter than candy on a stick

August 5, 2011

B109 Archangel Zachariel

Zachariel brings a new sense of hope and optimism and stimulates creativity. Where there has been a lack of confidence, a new confidence now ensues.

The birth of this Archangel is related to the presence of King Arthur and rules the solar aspect of ourselves whilst also working closely with Kuthumi, and thus was the inspiration for Pythagoras. The balancing of polarities so that a sense of unification may come about.

The hidden peace, the blue/blue (B2) confirms Zachariel as the Archangel of Peace and is also related to Tzadkiel (B99). Restores a sense of dignity where dignity has been lost.

In Egypt he was known as Amun. He provides a deep level of protection and harmony and presents us with a new vision, a vista for the times that are to come.

This Archangel supports symmetry and harmony both in geometry and in our own thoughts and development. He may assist in bringing the emotions of harmony and balance back and to clarify the thoughts where there has been confusion. Thus he brings the possibility to balance the functions of the brain that have been out of balance – a sense of re-ordering.

There is also a synonymity with Jupiter and Zeus, providing expansion, creativity and re-unification, to stimulate the helio-centric point of view. This brings the possibility to honour the present moment as an access to the eternal. To enter the ‘here and now’ with a sense of optimism based in intuition – inner tuition.

Swiped from

Zacharael, Zachariel, Yahriel ”remembrance of God” In geonic lore one of the seven archangels; prince of the order of dominations and ruler of the 2nd Heaven. In the cabala he is an angel of the order of powers and is the planet Jupiter. According to Paracelsus he is one of the planetary genii of Egypt (replacing Pi-Zeus) and is the angel of Thursday.[Sourced from Angelfire]

Pink Lemonade swirl lollipops


B108: A Chip off the Old Block

January 31, 2011

Aura-Soma Archangel Jeremiel

B108 – Mid-tone Turquoise/ Mid-tone Olive
Born – 14th December 2010 12:04 UK time

The connection with Vicky Wall.
Deborah, the Warrior Queen and the Bee Goddess
Jeremiel has providence over the bees

Read more here Aura-Soma Net


Message in a Bottle

September 27, 2010

Image Credit

Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh
Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh
More loneliness than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh
I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world
I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, yeah

~ lyrics Gordon Sumner

History of Aura-Soma

The word Aura comes from the Latin meaning: akin to air, a slight breath, vapor or shimmer. Soma is the ancient Greek word for “body”, while in ancient Sanskrit it designates a mysterious drink that transports the soul into a Divine ecstasy.

When the two words are combined, they set up a very different and specific vibration, as both concepts, aura and soma have essentially deeper meaning inherent in them.

In 1984 the name AURA-SOMA® and the vision of its creation, was bestowed upon Vicky Wall. In a series of re-occurring meditative visions – Vicky was given the same message repeatedly – she was told to “go and divide the waters”.

Vicky, a practicing chiropodist, pharmacist and herbalist was 66 years of age and clinically blind. She had no idea what she was doing when she found her self in her small laboratory and formulating a mixture comprising different layers and colors of the most natural ingredients she could find.

This marked the birth of ‘Equilibrium’. Vicky later reported – “that other hands had guided her own” – she could see neither the beautiful jewels she had spontaneously and inspirationally created nor their possible intended purpose. Even more bewildering to her was the resonant power she felt emanating from them, as they radiated in the sunlight of the following morning – clearly revealing two distinctly separate and different layers.

Thousands of Vickys’ clients were attracted to the ‘Equilibrium’ Bottles and this allowed her to build a body of solidly researched knowledge. Why did people choose certain bottles? What affect did the bottle/s have on their life after continued exposure to them? What were the individuals “life dynamics” before and after continued exposure to or use of the contents of certain bottles?

Over a period of a few short years, this in depth analytical approach verified the answers to all these questions and more. With absolute certainty Vicky was able to comfirm the premise that “Color speaks a language of its own “.

Mike Booth met Vicky in 1984 and from that date remained with her, as her constant companion and confidant. They traveled and taught together until her death in 1991. Since that time Mike has been responsible for the development of the wonderful AURA-SOMA® system, his efforts and dedication has brought AURA-SOMA® into the lives of many people. AURA-SOMA® attracts a growing global following with a system that satisfies some of the needs we are discovering in a profoundly changing world.

The Equilibrium bottles are at the heart of the AURA-SOMA® system. They are glittering, dual colored combinations containing the energies of color, plants and crystals. Vicky Wall, the founder of AURA-SOMA®, conceived them in inspiration. She felt that Equilibrium was a mirror to the soul enabling the individual to recognize in their color choices the reflection of their deeper aspects.


n her book The Miracle of Color Healing (Aquarian Press – out of print) Vicky Wall described Equilibrium as “living jewels”. Each Equilibrium bottle contains an upper and lower fraction, oil resting upon water. Within these two fractions may be found the essential oils and herbal extracts of the plant kingdom, in combination with the energies of crystals and gems from the mineral kingdom and the energies of color and light. Taken together these energies may balance the whole of our spiritual selves.

~ Snaffled from Archangel Awareness

Christmas Lights Heaven



A year has passed since I wrote my note
But I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together
Love can mend your life but
Love can break your heart

I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world
I’ll send an S.O.S. to the world
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, yeah

Walked out this morning, don’t believe what I saw
Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore
Seems I’m not alone in being alone
Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home


Beauty and the Heart

September 2, 2010


Paradise Tanager

Image Credit

Following article by Alysea McArtney, purloined from Aura-Soma Australia.

Modern research is daily finding the deep connections between the heart and the brain.

During my Naturopathic training, which was only a few years ago, it was accepted that the heart was just a big muscle. Now they are calling the heart an Endocrine Gland.

‘Yellow’ is the colour for working with the Central Nervous System and thinking. Today’s scientific research into the heart/brain connection says the heart can and does think, So where does this take us with the levels of Yellow? Do we use the Yellow Pomander, the Yellow Quins or the essences? What heart energies do we put with this elixir?

Let us look a little deeper. Not only does the heart ‘think’, but it produces a hormone which affects every limbic structure operation, and what we call the ’emotional brain’. This also includes the aspects of memory and learning.

 Neuro-cardiologists have found that 60% to 65% of the cells of the heart are actually neural cells, not muscle cells.

To further complicate matters, we could say that our whole learning is to do with perhaps an Orange or Pink issue … especially in regard to children.

The heart also is a huge and powerful electromagnetic field, ‘feeling’ and responding to energies far and wide, and in a holographic way (turquoise). The funny thing is that the heart not only contacts and records the future, but also the deep past.

There are only two types of learning, one is true learning, the other is conditioned learning. Orange is to do with conditioned learning, ‘fear based learning’, and is felt and responded to with the older brain which is known as the ‘reptilian’ or ‘hind’ brain.

This is the brain that works with survival issues, and responds when threatened. A form of learning takes place here, but it is conditioned learning and is intimately associated with emotional states of hostility, anger, and anxiety.

Suddenly we see not only a Turquoise/Orange connection, but a Green/Pink, Pink/Orange and Turquoise/Pink connection.

Think about this!! A child’s emotional experience, how they feel about themselves and the world around them, has a tremendous impact on their growth and development. If the child’s emotional development isn’t nurturing, safe and secure, with good heart contact, then they do not develop emotionally.

In other words, it is an Orange/Red issue to do with survival and using the hind or reptilian brain…..

If we want true learning, this involves the higher frontal lobes, the intellectual creative brain. True learning relates to the colours Yellow and Turquoise, and to a degree Olive; as we change the older patterns and allow the process of security, trust and love to open the heart, we allow the healing affects of Aura-Soma to energetically make the necessary shifts.

These shifts are from anxiety, which immediately activates the old defensive patterns of the ‘hind’ brain, to trust and love and respect for ourselves, which activates the higher prefrontal lobes.

Latest research also shows that our genes are not locked into unchanging programs, as previously thought, but are in fact profoundly affected by our environment, particularly our emotional environment.

With the use of the Pomanders which encourage trust, opening up, intuitive listening to the heart, and peace, and with all the Pink we can get, we can make these changes in our DNA.


Have you ever caught yourself saying, the best intuitions come from that ‘mindless state’, or maybe saying if you had another brain it would be useless etc?

Well in fact we do have three brains in our skull. They are three uniquely separate, distinct brain structures, that developed throughout our evolutionary history on earth.

Firstly, we have a reptilian brain, which includes our spinal cord and brain stem, which is identical to the brain found in all reptiles.

Possibly the use of energies which relate to Earth energies, ie the Reds, the Deep Reds, the Oranges etc., would be good to help with this reptilian brain. Also you can use some Violet to enable the transition into the Gold of the central Shushumna and the higher Mind to take place.

The 2nd brain is a bit bigger and a little more elaborate, but essentially the same. This is known as the sensorimotor brain. Superimposed on that is the great limbic structure, which we share with all mammals, and which is our emotional-cognitive brain. It handles emotional energies.

Let us take time to consider these – mammals, emotional-cognitive brain, handling emotional energies. What about the use of the Dolphin and Whale essences; also the Squid which lives in perhaps that deep cognitive brain. These would be beneficial.

What about using Turquoise and Pink for the love and the supportive nurturing aspect that mammals have. You could even use the Blue Sea Squirt. Turquoise and Yellow together help this deep communication throughout the nervous system. Turquoise and Orange will help with the emotional understanding of what is going on.

We may need lots of Pink and Sapphire Blue to help bring the peace and the forgiveness and most of all the nurturing and the love aspect to this brain.

Brain three. This third brain is superimposed over the sensorimotor brain. It is the neocortex, which occupies eighty percent of the skull, and is five times bigger than the two animal brain structures. This is our thinking brain, our intellectual brain.

Research has clearly shown that the vast bulk of our ego awareness…our personality, our awareness of selves in the world… translates into our awareness through the two animal brains, and only the tiniest fragment of it translates through the intellectual brain.


This emotional-cognitive structure called the heart, directs all the emotional energies of the brain, literally directing all of our responses to the world through our relationships.

The heart has universal consciousness. The individual ego translates through the brain; universal consciousness translates through the heart.

This is why the heart can relate all information together.

From an Aura-Soma point of view, this provides the answer to how we can not only re-evaluate the way we use the oils and the Pomanders and Quintessences, but how we integrate thinking, feeling and consciousness. Integrating the old, the new and the huge broadcast from that immense holographic electromagnetic cardiogram!!!

We believe ‘The cave of the heart wherein God lives’ is the key to open that door. It’s the way to re-achieve, or open up that mind-heart connection.

It is imperative that all adults work on themselves, so that our children see the example of right livelihood and so that right thinking is developed before exposure to TV, and computers. As research has shown, the retentive ability of learning drops from 65% to a mere 3%. To add insult to injury, we also have emotional immaturity and imbalance.

You can possibly try some of these combinations mentioned above, as you look deeply at the ‘heart’ of the matter of the consultations, where the energies of ‘feeling’, ‘thinking’ and ‘loving’ are and you can use the essences to create a deeper movement in the Auric flow.

The heart is a universal consciousness. As McLean says, the individual ego translates through the brain; universal consciousness translates through the heart. That’s why the heart can relate all information together. What has happened to us in this day and time is a breakdown in mind-heart dialogue — a breakdown literally in the mind-heart connection.

The way to reachieve, or open that mind-heart connection up, is to come across someone who has opened that mind-heart connection up, and who operates out of the heart. We have the statement, “The cave of the heart wherein God lives.” That is, in my yoga we believe thoroughly that God dwells within the heart, and that until you open up and get in touch with that God in the heart, you are isolated and estranged from everything. The minute you are opened up to the heart, you are intimately related and a part of and one with everything.

 We find that immediately the heart integrates the brain structure, so that that which we’re thinking, that which we’re feeling, and that which we’re acting are a single integrated whole. That gives us a great deal more power and effectiveness in our life than we ever had before. And so meditation is the answer to the whole thing. And this sounds phony, but you see, meditation is one of the natural circadian rhythms that we’re born with, and it’s lost in ninety-seven percent of the population. So it’s rediscovering meditation, as I’ve been following siddha meditation, an ancient system, for ten years. All I can say is it has radically transformed my life. ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce

Further Reading: The Aesthetic Appeal of Birds and Biology – The Captive Heart ~ Robin Urton, an artist in conversation with herself and the world.


Steering by Starlight

June 24, 2010

Remember the chariot race in Ben-Hur?  Those beautiful white horses (which are bay in the book) were named Rigel, Aldebaran, Antares and Altair….and that is how my curiosity about fixed stars got captured.

Fixed stars and the chariot; what a delicious connection.  Alfred Douglas of the Sheridan-Douglas Tarot writes that:

Seven is the number of progress, self-expression and independent action. In terms of the Tarot cycle, the Chariot portrays the fate of he who has made the right choice when faced by the dilemma shown in the previous card, the Lovers. He has successfully transferred his attention from his mother to his beloved, and is therefore in control of the psychic energy within him rather than being dominated by it.

The Fixed Star, Regulus aka The Heart of the Lion, is aligned to the Sabian Symbol of 30° Libra, “An unsealed letter”, which to me is a degree that asks, Do you have integrity?  Can you make the right choice?

Assuming the unsealed letter belongs to someone else, the temptation is to peek, to surreptiously read the contents; to not mind your own business.

Assuming the unsealed letter belongs to you going to someone else, what is it that you wish to communicate in a sly way that you do not have the courage to do so face-to-face. Honourably.  With dignity and respect both for yourself and the other.

Raising the ante, let’s assume the unsealed letter is addressed to you and a butler delivers it on a silver salver. What do you perceive the symbolism is now?

An unsealed letter…..hmm…..should that not be an unsealed envelope?

If memory serves me, before envelopes were invented, people would fold the letters in such a way that they were both content and covering.  So this Sabian Symbol speaks of times and practices of the past.

The Archangel Raphael is associated with Regulus and in the parlance of Aura-Soma, Archangel Raphael fosters creative communication through fine tuning the sense doors. Stimulates ESP clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience.

I love these open-to-multiple-choice Sabian Symbols.  You play with them and they play right back.  What story is Regulus telling you?

Seven, the number of progress.  The Seven Sisters – the Pleiades.  Curious and curiouser.