Archive for September, 2011


East Myth ~ Amethyst

September 22, 2011

October 2, 2009

This is the violet hour, the hour of hush and wonder, when the affections glow again and valor is reborn, when the shadows deepen magically along the edge of the forest and we believe that, if we watch carefully, at any moment we may see the unicorn.

Bernard de Voto – “The Hour”


The Daily Squirrel

September 20, 2011

You don't have problems; instead you're immersed in mythic ordeals that rival the labors of Hercules. And you don't have friends; you have allies and mentors in your adventures. ~ Jonathon Young

originally uploaded by mothernature528.


The Daily Squirrel

September 20, 2011

The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. ~G.K. Chesterton

originally uploaded by Tomi Tapio


Lucullian Delight

September 19, 2011

image sourced from tarotdame

4 servings

2 fennel bulbs
1/3 Savoy cabbage
200 ml/0.85 cup cooked farro
Chives, chopped
200 ml/o.85 cup vegetable stock
100 ml/0.42 cup dry white wine
2.5 tsp gelatin powder
Extra-virgin olive oil

– Slice the fennel finely and braise it in a little olive oil. Don’t forget to salt it. When the fennel is soft, add half of the wine and cook until it’s reduced to half.
– Put the fennel on a plate and pour the remaining liquid into the vegetable stock and leave it to cool down a bit.
– Shred the Savoy cabbage finely and repeat what you made with the fennel.
– Mix the gelatin (see instructions on the package to get the perfect measure) with the hot stock and dissolve it well.
– Take 4 small ramekins or forms, preferably on the tall side and proceed to make the ‘tower’. Sprinkle some chopped chives as a first layer and then a layer of braised fennel. Next layer is the farro and then one of chopped chives. Follow up with a layer of savoy cabbage and then one of farro. Finish it with a layer of fennel. Push down each layer a little to make it more solid.
– Pour the stock into the forms until it covers the vegetables.
– Put the form in the fridge for about 3 hours or more.
– Before serving you dip the forms quickly in hot water and then pass a sharp and thin knife around the edges before turning them up-side-down on plates.

Farro for Set

Grano Farro has a long and glorious history: it is the original grain from which all others derive, and fed the Mediterranean and Near Eastern populations for thousands of years; somewhat more recently it was the standard ration of the Roman Legions that expanded throughout the Western World. Ground into a paste and cooked, it was also the primary ingredient in puls, the polenta eaten for centuries by the Roman poor. Important as it was, however, it was difficult to work and produced low yields. In the centuries following the fall of the Empire, higher-yielding grains were developed and farro’s cultivation dwindled: By the turn of the century in Italy there were a few hundreds of acres of fields scattered over the regions of Lazio, Umbria, the Marches and Tuscany.


The Daily Squirrel

September 18, 2011

"Frisbeetarianism -- the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck." - George Carlin

originally uploaded by pafotofan


The Daily Squirrel

September 18, 2011

The deeper one digs, the greater the treasure; if one can withstand the pressure of the deep ~ Heide M. Kolb

Kaibab squirrel at Grand Canyon originally uploaded by Live Simply


sloth. scaper. pissors

September 17, 2011

Nefertiti ~ Goddess of Fertility

Art Quilt by Heather Pylem do the clicky thing to see more


The Daily Squirrel

September 17, 2011

originally uploaded by cienne45


The Effect of Internet Trolls on Woman-in-the-Moon marigolds

September 17, 2011


"Raven Woman" ~ Susan Seddon Boulet

Ravenesque Tarot Closure

Due to continued negativity in email, I am taking my own advice and moving towards happier activities. Perhaps it is the Scorpio south node, or saturns journey back onto my moon, but I have three teens and I really do not have the desire to wake up to public rudeness, or abuse. Apart from the obvious of not being paid enough to tolerate ill treatment, some days no money would be enough to read some peoples toxicity. Whilst I appreciate that the actions of so few should not cause an upset for the majority, I didn’t realise how tired I am of the bad manners of the internet. Perhaps I will return to face to face readings at some point in time.

Thanks to everyone who has been loving, supportive and most of all, positive.

Thank you also to my family for being supportive this time around, so that my final decision was my own.

From the Muse

Ravenesque Tarot was a terrific resource for all things asteroidal. This is a sad loss for the astro-community as the site is now down and all Ravenesque’s writings are have become unavailable.  I am grateful to Ravenesque for the insights I gained over the years through reading her essays on the asteroids, which were one-of-a-kind. 

Beat the drum slowly, Owl.


Giddy Up Oom Poppa Omm Poppa Mow Mow

September 17, 2011

Happy birthday..............and unpleasant dreams!

Cassandra Peterson (born September 17, 1951) is an American actress best known for her on-screen horror hostess character Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.  With heavily-applied pancake horror make-up and a towering black beehive wig concealing her flame-red hair, the transformation from Cassandra Peterson to the sexy “Elvira” was so drastic that no one ever recognized her out of costume.  Elvira reclined on a red Victorian couch, introducing and often interrupting the movie to lampoon the actors, the script, and the bad editing. Adopting the flippant tone of a California valley-girl, she brought a satirical, sarcastic edge to her commentary without ever being crass or mean-spirited. Like a macabre Mae West, she reveled in dropping risqué double entendres as well as making frequent jokes about her eye-popping display of cleavage.

In an AOL Entertainment News interview, Peterson revealed, “I figured out that Elvira is me when I was a teenager. She’s a spastic girl. I just say what I feel and people seem to enjoy it.”

Her name is Cherry
We’ve just met
But already she knows me
Better than you
She understands me
After eighteen years
And you still don’t see me
Like you ought to do
~ lyrics Amy Winehouse



Image sourced from Joyce’s Take ~ from the heart of Downtown LA, 5 posts a week on political & social commentary and satire.