Archive for August 5th, 2011


Whitefella Dreaming

August 5, 2011

Courtship display of Superb Lyrebird

William Ricketts lived and worked at his Mount Dandenong Sanctuary, on the outskirts of suburban Melbourne, Australia from 1934 until 1993.  Born 11 December 1898, his life’s artistic work was transformed by his years of contact with the desert people of the Pitjantjara and Arrente whose indigenous culture inspired his major creative output.

He lived at the Sanctuary until his peaceful death in June 1993, aged ninety-four.  His was a lifetime of devotion and care for the environment, expressed in his energetic creation at the William Ricketts Sanctuary

Forest Sculpture ~ William Ricketts


B109: Sweeter than candy on a stick

August 5, 2011

B109 Archangel Zachariel

Zachariel brings a new sense of hope and optimism and stimulates creativity. Where there has been a lack of confidence, a new confidence now ensues.

The birth of this Archangel is related to the presence of King Arthur and rules the solar aspect of ourselves whilst also working closely with Kuthumi, and thus was the inspiration for Pythagoras. The balancing of polarities so that a sense of unification may come about.

The hidden peace, the blue/blue (B2) confirms Zachariel as the Archangel of Peace and is also related to Tzadkiel (B99). Restores a sense of dignity where dignity has been lost.

In Egypt he was known as Amun. He provides a deep level of protection and harmony and presents us with a new vision, a vista for the times that are to come.

This Archangel supports symmetry and harmony both in geometry and in our own thoughts and development. He may assist in bringing the emotions of harmony and balance back and to clarify the thoughts where there has been confusion. Thus he brings the possibility to balance the functions of the brain that have been out of balance – a sense of re-ordering.

There is also a synonymity with Jupiter and Zeus, providing expansion, creativity and re-unification, to stimulate the helio-centric point of view. This brings the possibility to honour the present moment as an access to the eternal. To enter the ‘here and now’ with a sense of optimism based in intuition – inner tuition.

Swiped from

Zacharael, Zachariel, Yahriel ”remembrance of God” In geonic lore one of the seven archangels; prince of the order of dominations and ruler of the 2nd Heaven. In the cabala he is an angel of the order of powers and is the planet Jupiter. According to Paracelsus he is one of the planetary genii of Egypt (replacing Pi-Zeus) and is the angel of Thursday.[Sourced from Angelfire]

Pink Lemonade swirl lollipops