Archive for August 31st, 2011


Plain Talk

August 31, 2011

The following text has been purloined from A plain man’s transpersonal notebook.  Christopher Wynter is a Tasmanian Transpersonal Therapist and his take on enlightenment (and the whole bellybuttonlintsorting deal) is the sanest, and most practical, I have ever come across.  For the beginner who is exploring the Transpersonal, this bloke knows his stuff and there’s no New Age bullshit.  For the folks who think they know a thing or two, surfing the plain man’s site is like a glass of fine Cognac beside an open-fire.  Offerings include:

enlightenment is never complete — the transpersonal joke

Learning for me is an evolutionary thing. Quite often, when I write from the “Transpersonal Space” to the list – or to somewhere else – there is something in what I write for me – perhaps something that I have not yet put into words – perhaps another perspective from which to view life.

The Cosmic (Transpersonal) Joke

One thing I have learned during my own Journey is NEVER to say
“I have completed all there is to complete of my own Psychology” and/or “I know all there is to know” and/or “I am enlightened, illuminated or spiritually evolved”

Firstly this is to say there is an end to the Universe. 
Secondly, this is to say “my life is complete and all that is left for me is death” ..

and ..

if neither of these apply, then your ego is doing a good job on you and the very next lesson will be the Cosmic Joke –

The lesson of Humility

You will either come down to earth with a very big jolt –
or you will have a great bout of depression –
or you will conspire with yourself to ensure that your next Transpersonal experience is waking up dead.

In the past we have “gurus, teachers and sages” who are quoted as being the definitive authority on the subject of quot;Enlightenment”.

There are not too many of them that are still alive in the Physical body – in fact, when you have a good look at who they are and their life story, most have given up the body, for one reason or other, very shortly after their greatest period of illumination.

That’s the ego for you.

With the flow of the Tao – the simultaneously fractally evolving and involuting Universe – how can one imagine that one can possibly know all there is to know – and say their “illumination” (or their psychology) is complete.

The Illusion

If your illumination (or your psychology) has been the purpose of your life’s living experience – if be-ing is all the “be-all and end-all” objective,

then what you will become is a very bright vegetable existing in a self-induced mesmeristic or stuporific delusion the pseudo spiritual like to call “Blissed out”

There are plenty of stories about the bodies who exist in this state in the caves of the Himalayas – and in some of the Ashrams and Monasteries.

There are even a few Psychologists (including the Transpersonal ones) who claim they know all there is to know – until they have a nervous breakdown because the nerves that tried to maintain that illusion of grandeur finally gave up the ghost.

quite often because (and the picture I get is) they walk round with their heads up their own backsides – thus becoming very constipated .. and .. without a properly functioning anal sphincter, the brain dies ..

This of course, is the ultimate “no-mind” experience.

NOTHING is ever complete

and just to confuse some of you, there is no path that lead to any destination apart from death – with a subsequent re-birth in some other state which depends on your attachment to the regrets of your past experience of what you once thought was your life.

What do you envision for yourself?

Do you have a purpose – or an end goal in what you are trying to achieve? If so, you will, one day, eventually fulfil that purpose – until there is nothing left.

Or – is your definition of being – one of continually living life as an experience of the moment – without attachment – allowing the flow of the Tao – the rise and fall of the tides – the in-breath and the out-breath –

to flow through you – without attachment – continually growing in the fractal evolution which is “Enlightenment” ..

This is the practical application of Transpersonal – The Psychology of ALL expressions of the Unified Field that is Consciousness ..

Just remember – shortly after the moment you (your mind and your ego) thinks you have done “it” .. that there is nothing more left to “do” .. IT will do you .. and you will become the embodiment of the Cosmic Joke

God's Cooking Class


From the Quaballa,
Enlightenment comes when the Crown meets the firmament (or when Malkuth meets Keether)
From Christopher Wynter,
enlightenment comes when your third eye meets your turd eye and you can see all of your own shit
However, as Enlightenment is a cyclic thing
just like the Moon and the Sun,
so the moral of the story is ..
don’t let your head get stuck…
enlightenment is understanding THAT 


The information contained in this site comes from original research carried out over a number of years and is published to encourage debate and self inquiry. Points of view expressed are not taken from any source other than the results of personal research or experience and are not attributable to any other author unless indicated.

Everything we have put in this site is here in good faith:

The material contained in this site and/or provided in any interaction you may have with us is not a substitute for professional advice.

We can only take responsibility for having put this material here for you to read. What you do with it now is up to you. In fact, we don’t need you to believe any of it. We would prefer if you would use it as a guide to you finding your own conclusions about the Possible Human within you.

  … copyright 1997-2011 Transpersonal Lifestreams, Hobart, Tasmania
  … updated 21st March 2011.

CAution LIve aniMAls

August 31, 2011


 Image Credit: Violet Hour Muse

Doc Ebersole lives with the ghost of Hank Williams – not just in the figurative sense, not just because he was one of the last people to see him alive, and not just because he is rumored to have given Hank the final morphine dose that killed him.

In 1963, ten years after Hank’s death, Doc himself is racked by addiction. Since he lost his license to practice medicine, his morphine habit isn’t as easy to support. So he lives in a rented room in the red-light district on the sough side of San Antonio, performing abortions and patching up the odd knife or gunshot wound. But when Graciela, a young Mexican immigrant, comes in search of Doc’s services, miraculous things begin to happen. Graciela bears a wound on her wrist that never heals, yet she heals others with the touch of her hand. Everyone she meets is transformed for the better, except maybe for Hank’s angry ghost – who isn’t at all pleased to see Doc doing well.

A brilliant exploration of an obscure piece of music history, I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive is also a wonderful novel in its own right, a ballad of regret and redemption, and of the ways in which we remake ourselves and our world through the smallest of miracles.

I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive